Saturday, October 24, 2009

Forgotten Password in Vista


It had been quite a while since I had logged into my desktop, and I couldn't remember the password.

Gathering Information:

I searched online for a possible solution. I found a few using UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD), but was unable to bypass the password. I finally found a .ISO file for a boot CD called Kon Boot, which is used to bypass the login password. It does this by modifying the kernel on-the-fly while booting.



H1 Burn ISO to CD, then boot from the CD into Windows Vista.


While booting using the Kon Boot CD, the following screen appears


Press any key to continue. The next screen looks like this:

It then boots into the Vista login screen:

Type anything you want to in the password text box, and login.

It worked wonderfully! I was unable to reset or change the password using this boot CD, but I was able to access and back up any files I needed before re-installing Windows Vista.


This is a great tool for those of us who are a bit forgetful. I must admit that I find it a little unsettling that a person would be able to bypass my password so easily. There are ways to harden against person using Kon Boot on your computer such as TrueCrypt or requiring a smart card to log into your computer.

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