This week's class covered the subject of DFD's (Data Flow Diagrams). DFD's are the visual planning and breakdown of data flow through a system. As I sat working on my DFD for my class homework, an idea popped into my head. I had a thought about the Plan of Salvation, and how many of the charts I had seen were set up a bit like a data flow diagram. I began to consider the similarities and differences. I made a little DFD of the Plan of Salvation, and realized that there were too many variables for me to create even a context diagram. There were too many possible choices. Still hanging on to the concept, I began searching for a diagram of the Plan of Salvation. I found this one:
I'm writing this, I'm heading down a different road than I had intended; Yes, I'm sidetracked. I realize that the chart I have of the Plan, is indeed a flow chart. If I were to attempt to create a diagram 0 of the Plan of Salvation, it would be so full of black and gray holes that it would be impossible to follow due to my lack of knowledge. Thinking of all of the blanks that would lead to black and gray holes, I realize that we have many tools available to us that we can utilize to fill in many of these holes. I can reveal some of the holes by praying for knowledge, reading, studying, and pondering the scriptures, and maintaining my spiritual awareness. In D&C 11:7, the Lord says, "Seek not the riches but for the wisdom; and, behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you…," and In 1 Nephi 10:19, Nephi teaches, "for he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost…." I realize it is an odd way to think of it, but I can visualize a flow diagram that is filled in throughout our lives according to our humble quest for the knowledge of Deity.
So I haven't written about Data Flow Diagrams, but I do think it important where the thought of DFD's lead me. I may have a mild case of Attention Deficit Disorder and get sidetracked easily, but I find that often there is insight to be had in the straying. I have realized that everything I do in this world can in some way be related to the gospel, and should be thought of in such a way. As I find my way through this life, I will strive to remain conscious of the gospel in all things, and seek to further my knowledge of truth.
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