Friday, September 4, 2009

Learning Model

The LDSBC learning model consists of steps and principles that enhance and solidify the information we are learning. These principles include: 1)Prepare, 2)Teach One Another, and 3) Ponder and Prove. These three steps ensure an education that will be applicable to the job world which we will be entering in the near future. In D&C section 88 verses 77-80 the Lord speaks of teaching one another and preparation. The principles of the learning model are the same principles we should use when studying the gospel.

We must prepare ourselves to learn. We can pray for increased capacity and understanding, and invite the Spirit. The Holy Ghost will bear witness to truth, and once we experience that witness, the knowledge is ours. In the application of this learning model, we can see that when we share our knowledge with another student, our knowledge is solidified. As we teach each other we help build others weaknesses and have our weaknesses strengthened. It is also important to ponder and prove. As I stated before, the Spirit will hear witness if we take the time to ponder the information we have been given.

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